1 device, 2 measurements ! 1) Soil water potential (with a pressure sensor, ref. SMS 2500S) 2) Ion concentration (by analysing the collected soil solution)
The sampling of liquid soil solution for further chemical analysis has always come to the difficulty of knowing whether the solution itself would keep its original characteristics when going through the ceramic pipe.
It has been ascertained that by choosing the option of extracting liquid soil solution with porous ceramics, the internal ionic exchanges within the ceramic would result disturbed and the characteristics of the solution collected would be modified.
The TENSIONIC is a system which is able to solve this particular problem.
This new appliance is very different in distinction to the classic means of extraction:
- the porous ceramic used for the extraction is a high flow type in order to allow a very high diffusion of ions in soil solution up to the point of the measure.
- Three capillaries advantageously replace the classical hydraulic link (water content in the tensiometric compartment) thus reducing by factor 80 the volume of dead water of the sampling system.
Key Advantages
FAST RESPONSE tensiometer (high conductivity porous ceramic)
COMBINED equipment
SAMPLING without suction (passive diffusion)
Disadvantages Operating range 0 to -600 hPa. The ceramic can sometimes be damaged when placed into the soil (thin walls). Sampling frequency 8-10 days only.
The TENSIONIC is available in any length between 5 cm and 2,50 meter (by steps of 5 cm). The operational depth of TENSIONIC represents its total length length less 25 cm : these 25 cm being the upper part of the appliance equipped with capillaries and stainless steel collars. So, for example, if the TENSIONIC is 60 cm long, operational length is 35 cm . For lengths up to 2,50 meter, please contact us. The TENSIONIC will be delivered ready for use. The measurement of hydraulic head is made with the SMS 2500S (electronic tensimeter).
WARNING : TENSIONIC device is also made in short model (to extract solution between 10 and 25 cm deep) Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
The standard set
EachTensionic tensiometer is delivered ready to use wih the SDEC 2200HC porous ceramic and a silicon stopper. The collecting & refilling syringe, ref. TENS 22750 is freely added with a pack of 10 Tensionic tensiometers.
You also need
A hand-held pressure sensor, ref. SMS 2500S to measure the soil water potential. An auger to install the device, ref. STM 21600.
A syringe to prepare the tubes, collect the soil solution, and refill the tube, ref. TENS 22750.
Do the tensiometer tubes need to be prepared ?
As all tensiometers, these tubes have a porous ceramic cup glued on the bottom. Before placing them into the soil, the ceramic must be saturated with gasless water. This can be done with a vacuum syringe, type STM 21750.
Can the collected solution be used for trace metals measurements ?
For trace metals analysis in soil solution, we recommend the use of a more inert material than a porous ceramic or stainless steel cell to collect the solution, such as the PTFE lysimeters or the RHIZON M.O.M micro sampler if you need to sample in soil columns.
Can the collected solution be used for pesticide measurements?
The porous ceramic on this type of equipment is suitable for pesticide analysis.